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The Mighty Meagan

An introduction into my world of personal satisfaction, self-indulgence, and a sounding board for my thoughts concerning writing, the Internet, and business. Other topics discussed at my discretion.

Location: KS, United States


5.07.05 Mind Boggling

Check this out!

A zillion galaxies....can you imagine! WOW.

Now don't you feel better that you know that!? (Grins)

So, today I worked, at my business on-line. Seriously, I promise I will try to compile my info to post as soon as I am able, but I have been awake damn near 24 hrs. And oddly enough, I am a bit tired. (Wonder how that happened!?)

So, I bid you all pleasant dreams and happy memory making until the morrow!


Oh! A Poem! ...sorta... An oldie, but a goody.

Running Away
By Meagan Blanchard

I’m running ‘way
Past deviltry
And I’m skimming ‘long
Past idolatry

Feeling low
And impossible
Man this path
Is impassable

Clear the way, babe,
I’m coming through
Gonna have to be
Pencil number two

Erase away all
The difficulties
Sketching ‘round
All realities

And I’m running ‘way
Skimming along
Feeling low
Not so very strong.

Kick me as
I’m Down;
Smile and I

As I’m running ‘way
From all my thoughts
Sketching happiness;
Perceived ink blots

Running ‘way
Skimming along
Feeling low
Not so very strong

Running ‘way


5.05.05 Crunch Time

Wow, what a week!

It has been crazy busy for me, so very glad that today is my Friday! (Seriously, you have no idea!) I am so ready for the weekend off! Monday was full of studying for my ASE Test, and so was Tuesday. Tuesday after work, I came home and . . . . worked some more. (On my new Internet business, which I will speak about in more depth on my next post.) I went to sleep around 1pm and got up at 3pm. I was back to work at 4pm and was once again studying while waiting for the carpool to arrive.

We left for Topeka at 5:30pm and I was taking the test by 7pm. Let me just say, I not only felt woefully unprepared, but I was woefully unprepared! All that studying seemed for naught, as there were only 5-6 questions that were actually covered by the book! I was to say the least, not a happy camper. It felt like a pop quiz on the first day of school, and I had yet to even receive my text book. Ugh. I am confident that I either passed or failed. (Laughs) Honestly, it could go either way. I hope for the best, but expect the worst.

If I do not pass this time, I can retake the test this coming fall; which I will sign up for. (Of course! We all know I am a glutton for punishment!) I will not know if I passed until they mail out the results. This could take from 4 to 6 weeks. I hate waiting. I am not a patient person!! (See, glutton! I told you, but you wouldn't believe me! Ha!)

Then we went to Chili's and had dinner on the boss. (Yeah, that was niiiiice!) I had steak. (Grins)
I got back to work at 10pm and had to be at work by midnight, so I just stayed at work. I had a brief nap in my car and went to work. I tell you, I was so sleep deprived, it was very hard to stay awake at work! But, I got through it! Woot!

So, my plans this weekend are to post, work, post, work and post!

Laters Gaters!

*You may now go back to your regular scheduled programming*


5.01.05 After; In Space


So, I've been MIA for a couple of days, my apologies for that! I am trying to prepare myself for my upcoming ASE test, which is on May 3rd. I feel completely unprepared, but I still have a bit of hope for the best. It's been so long since I have had to utilize my brain in that multiple-choice test sorta way that I fear the worst.

If you do not know what ASE is go here. I will be taking the ASE Parts Specialist Test. There are three different types; I will be taking the test involving after market brakes. Wish me luck folks, I will need it.

I did take the time this weekend to go see a movie. John and I saw The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is way different than the book, though they basically follow the same story line, with minor changes in the plot. In this rare occasion, the movie offers a good more detail than the book. The movie is also a bit more interesting, has a few more laughs, and of course, the graphics are fairly well done. Best scene in the movie is on the Factory floor for sheer great graphics alone, but I won't tell you all much more; I wouldn't want to ruin it for you all. Suffice to say, I felt it was worth paying theater prices to go see it on the big screen.

Well everyone, have a good morrow, I leave you with such parting words pasted below.

After; In Space (Villanelle)
by Meagan Blanchard

I could be a blazing comet, flying in the infinite black of space
Painting colors on that sheet of darkness with my own finesse.
Weaving through the spotted lights, a brilliant chase.

I would hurtle in the black of the empty, at my own pace
Singing out my harmonies, conquering your distress.
I could be a blazing comet, flying in the infinite black of space

But, I am not a comet, burning brightly in a higher place.
I sit beside you, whispering to you; give up your stress.
Weaving through the spotted lights, a brilliant chase.

A hope of life more elemental, a life of grace
Of magics reflecting brightly in your eyes; success!
I could be a blazing comet, flying in the infinite black of space

Believing with the wonder of the entire human race
Like that of a child at its' magical existence; transgress!
Weaving through the spotted lights, a brilliant chase.

Take this life, for your old, replace
Feel the elementals communal touch, a caress.
I could be a blazing comet, flying in the infinite black of space
Weaving through the spotted lights, a brilliant chase.