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The Mighty Meagan

An introduction into my world of personal satisfaction, self-indulgence, and a sounding board for my thoughts concerning writing, the Internet, and business. Other topics discussed at my discretion.

Location: KS, United States


Mistreating Missy Molar

Well, oddly enough folks, the missing molar pained me so much yesterday that I came home from work early. When I finally arrived back at the homestead I took off my bra, took off my shoes, then took four ibuprofen and went to bed. (All in that order. Yes.)

Last night I worried that I had dry socket. Not a good thing, but I am feeling much better this afternoon (after sleeping about ten hours). The swelling has receded to almost normal levels and I no longer look like an alien with a marble in it's mouth. (Tip: These aliens are commonly mistaken as Southern American Hicks with a smokeless tobacco habit.)

Now, contrary to popular belief this is a good thing. I know I could have won the Ms. Multi-verse Contest, but I decided to fore go that rare and wonderful honor in exchange for mediocrity. (I know, I know, I was a bit skewed in my thinking, but the odd gut-twisting throbbing in my gums was somehow blocking the synapses in my brain from connecting; which in turn ruined my ability for any coherent cognitive activities.)

I do think the reason my missing molar pained me so was because Ricky didn't mark the package as 'fragile'. Which means that the Postal Service has been mistreating my mis-marked molar. Another, but unlikely theory is: I have a huge hole in my mouth, forcibly created, and that is bound to hurt. (Personally, I believe it is the former. Call me silly, but it's the most logical of the two.)

On another note: I'd like to say that Dark Maiden and Ricky D have been belting out some great stories lately. If you all haven't checked them out, I urge you to do so. Great, great writing you two.

Oh, and a quick update about the Satellite Internet Installation: I have it, baby! It is soooo much faster than dial up! I have observed though, that I am already at that point where I cannot imagine functioning without it. I cannot imagine how I functioned without it for so long. God Bless Broadband!

*Cheesy Grin*


P.S. The hub on this thing has very pretty blue lights. Just thought that I would let you all know of that very cool and pertinent feature.


07.0705 The Mystery of the Missing Molar

Oh, My Dearest Friends,

Lament with me as I mourn for my Missing Molar.

Wednesday morning, at 9:30 a.m., my right molar in the second position on the bottom of my mouth has since been reported missing by knowledgeable authorities - namely myself. I figure it might have gone missing when I was sitting in the Dentist's Chair, but I could be wrong as I was pleasantly loopy by prescription drugs at the time. Bless the man!

So, yep, yet another tooth is gone from my mouth, leaving one more gaping hole to heal. (Which incidentally is paining me quite a bit right this second.) My jaw is a swollen at the moment, and I am currently finding it a bit difficult to eat and speak, but I am just happy that the nerve is no longer exposed!

I also received a cavity filling on the first molar on the right side on the bottom of my mouth at the same time. Yippee. On the 27th, I go back to get the cavities on the bottom left molars filled. Then, I have no more worries for the bottom part of my mouth, just the top. Which probably has about 10 fillings needed - and two crowns I think. *sigh*

I can't wait to get this all over with. I am tired of having mouth pain!

Anyway, on to more pleasant things.

Good things are happening at work. All of us in the shop are receiving a free steak dinner for having the most profitable month to date. $129,000+ was earned, I do believe. Also, Mr. Bill, my boss, is once again contemplating giving me more duties. I am hoping that this results in a raise, I sure could use it!

On the business front; I seem to have lost a bit of momentum, but my traffic is once again picking up since I am back on the computer plucking away at those keys. (You see Ricky, I am joining you in your quest for the buff computer arms. I think it is working!*Flexes Fingers Frighteningly*)

On the writing front: I wrote a small (very small) erotic/pornographic fantasy yesterday evening. I won't post it here, since I have this lovely pg-13 thing going on - but - if any of you are interested in reading, I will send it to you via e-mail. I think I might polish it up tonight a bit.

On the friend front: Beth had her baby Wednesday morning at 5:30 a.m. A beautiful baby boy. I am so jealous; it's wonderful. I am incredibly happy for her. So, I wish him luck in his life. (I would let you all know his name, but I am not sure how to spell it. I will find out and get back with you all!)

Also, I'd like to get a bit more serious and send my well wishes and support to those that were hurt in the London Terrorist Subway/Bus Bombing recently. It simply amazes me that 'these people' just won't let everyone live their lives in peace. I hope that the families of the deceased, the injured and the families of the injured all find comfort and justice.

Well, this is a bit odd I think, as I have commented on birth and death today. Just goes to show that life will carry on no matter the atrocities that others commit.

Well, this is Meagan, signing off.

P.S. If anyone happens to find my molar, could you please return it? I miss it so.