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The Mighty Meagan

An introduction into my world of personal satisfaction, self-indulgence, and a sounding board for my thoughts concerning writing, the Internet, and business. Other topics discussed at my discretion.

Location: KS, United States


7.15.05 Do It Yourself - McMenu!

I have been surfing like crazy since I got broadband.

There are so many weird things on the web these days. Cool, but weird.

So, I was searching "do it yourself" when I came across this link.

You will need Adobe Acrobat to view it.

Yup a 'do-it-yourself' McDonald's menu of the olden days.

Creepy. Weird. But, yet oddly, still cool.

I might even try a few.


7.14.05 Finally!

Proactive support for renewable energy! Isn't this so cool!

Solar Powered Airplane

Check it out, this is awesome.

7.14.05 Pee Pants Now

Ok, so it's wrong, I admit that.

But dammit, it isn't often that I laugh so hard I literally pee myself and cry at the same time. (Yes, usually it's one or the other, never both at once.)

So, after changing my underpants and soaking the already soaked ones, here is the link to the wrongest, funniest thingymablober ever.


Pee Your Pants Now

P.S. You may wish to go put on your
Depends first!