The Mighty Meagan
An introduction into my world of personal satisfaction, self-indulgence, and a sounding board for my thoughts concerning writing, the Internet, and business. Other topics discussed at my discretion.
Canvas of Goodbyes
If I had a million worthy words
That could fully justify the pain
And distress that leave-taking inflicts;
I would organize them most carefully,
To charcoal a night of pictures for you,
Depicting the sorrow of ages artistically.
I would then levitate the heavy canvases,
A crows' flight of pure melancholic emotion,
A holy bereavement for your lost beloved.
And you would find my words hospitable;
A soulful incarnation of your great sadness,
Amid the aridness of unmeant comments from
Those minglers defying gaiety at your souls funeral.
And they would never guess, that each word they utter,
With false sincerity, afflicts you with an overabundance of anguish.