An introduction into my world of personal satisfaction, self-indulgence, and a sounding board for my thoughts concerning writing, the Internet, and business. Other topics discussed at my discretion.
The day dawned with a bit of nervousness, or rather it seemed so to me; as I remember it. I was working for an electronics company called DCI, in Lenexa, Kansas; about two years ago. I hated that job, lasting only about six to seven months there, but it did come with such a thing as dental insurance, which I had been living without for quite some time, as evidenced by the numerous cavities I had acquired in my front teeth near the gum line.
I went to this dentist I had as a kid. I remember going to him as a little tyke with my brother and sister. He gave us stickers, and toothbrushes, never failed to compliment on my pretty hair. The ladies at the front desk used to take pictures of us, all standing there with our teeth freshly cleaned, our new toothbrushes clutched tightly in our little hands, stickers proudly displayed on our t-shirts. I knew him, I trusted him.
I now hate him, and I am particularly glad that the remaining bill was claimable on my recent bankruptcy this previous September. (Mmmm, feel that satisfaction? Palatable. Yeah.) Dr. Burkes. That name shall be forever on my list of people to torture if I ever have the chance; which, incidentally, only consists of one name at the moment. (Want on it? It is cleverly designed to be expandable.) Moving on. . .
After all preliminary examinations, which included, ex-rays and a particularly painful cleaning, fully equipped with a through dental picking in my extremely sensitive cavities, he deemed that I would need several fillings. How incredibly brilliant of him! He showed me the charts of which teeth would need what and then we planned my next appointment. He decided to only do the fillings needed on my two front teeth first, four fillings in all. At this news, I was a bit dismayed. I mean, logical deduction says: I would have to be back for several different appointments to get everything done, as I had several cavities located in the corners of all my front teeth, which of course would cost. Cost more than my insurance would pay. Upon reflection, this did turn out to be a blessing as I was spared from having to deal with his unrelenting stupidity for any duration.
So, as I said earlier, the day dawned with a bit of nervousness, as if it reflected my inner turmoil. I chain smoked non-stop the whole way from work in Lenexa to Ottawa, where his office was located. I was early and so availed myself of his conveniently placed restroom to brush my teeth and otherwise prepare myself for this coming ordeal. I didn't take nearly enough time. I could never have been prepared for that.
Skipping ahead of the waiting room, I was sitting in The Chair, with that silly paper napkin chained about my neck with those stupid little teethy-clips. (AKA, roach clips, but I would not know anything about that. Really.) Once more, he wanted fresh ex-rays, as my cavities had grown in size, or so he said. I agreed. And before we started I decided, in a clever defensive ploy, to opt for the nitrous oxide, which most likely spared me a lot of discomfort, though it did cost me extra. He then numbed me with a bit of topical Novocaine, put those mouth-holder-openers in, then dived in with his big freaking needle.
Commence the torture.
He wielded this needle as if it was his last stand at the Alamo, and I was the enemy. It was every man or woman for him or herself as my hands gripped The Chair so hard I was sure I would break it. He jabbed that needle in my gum so hard my head pushed into the back of The Chair's headrest. I felt it. Not just pressure. No sir. I felt IT. Not just once, but again, and again, until blessedly, the medicine began to work.
I am not ashamed to say; tears leaked out of my eyes. My toes and hands were still tingling from the nitrous, I felt this weird cold settle upon me as he started to fill my cavities. He stopped several times to re-numb the area with his needle. Each time, pressure forced my head into the back of The Chair. When he hit a nerve I seriously thought: Okay, please, just kill me now, Sadist. I cannot describe how much that hurt. More tears leaked out as his accomplice, errrm assistant, handed him tool after torture device while he continued in punishing me for my extremely bad karma.
She noticed my tears. Her eyes widened: Does it hurt? she asked. (Well, derrr, yeah.) She used a tissue to wipe away my tears and informed the doctor of my obvious discomfort. I of course, was mute due to the mouth openers and could not prevent what was to happen.
Yeah, you guessed it.
Here comes the needle. Again.
Suffice to say, I was not in good shape when I left to go to my car. I was worn out, like that old pair of jeans that you've had since the early eighties. Yeah, that was me. On the way home, it's a thirty minute drive from his office to my house, the numbness wore off.
Dear God.
I had no idea two teeth could hurt so much! At first I didn't understand why, but then I pulled over as it was hurting so bad I could not see for the tears obscuring my vision. I controlled myself, then looked in the mirror at my teeth.
Tenderized meat.
That is what my gums looked like. You could see the individual holes where he went at it with the needle. I counted fifteen separate holes on the front surface. It was as if he had a meat tenderizer and was preparing my gums for lunch. They were bleeding. Oh yeah. A lot. Then, I noticed the color. Yellow, not white like the lower part of my teeth, but a dingy, coffee stained yellow. Ugh.
Never again, I told myself. I will never go back to him again. And, know what? I haven't. My gums hurt for weeks after my encounter with the Sadist. Very sensitive. I could only drink luke-warm liquids. My teeth are still sensitive to this day in that area.
So, now you know. The Humane Dentist is a blessing.
This morning after work, I had an appointment at the Dentist.
It was to be my first tooth extraction. *shudders*
I was nervous all day, eating like a starving man that knows this incredible opportunity to eat may never come again. No, I didn't choose refined foods. My food choices consisted of chilly dogs, Chicken Parmesan, and dough-nuts. The farther along the night went, and as my appointment time drew ever more close, the more cramped up my whole body became. My stomach decided to take a roller coaster ride, my muscles decided I had just ran a marathon, and my intestines screamed at me in rebuke for all the fatty foods I had ingested. Suffice to say; I was miserable.
All the guys at work were teasing me relentlessly. Which was all in good fun, but it made my fear increase to DEF CON Four. Endorphins were released, Adrenalin was pumping, and my eyes were near to bursting with unshed frightened tears. I am proud to say, I did not cry. I had no reason too.
After work, I stopped by my house and picked up my husband. He was not just there for moral support, but also in case I did not feel like driving home. Or was not able to drive. Or was dead from mouth torture. Or...
We arrived one minute before my appointment time; I filled out all required paperwork and then they ushered me into The Chair. I have nightmares about that chair.
They take an ex-ray and the nice lady tells me the doctor will be in to see me soon. I sit there tensely for about ten minutes, which seems like an eternity stretched upon the rack awaiting torture.
The Doctor arrives. As he looks at my tiny ex-ray, he asks how I am feeling. I tell him I am extremely nervous. He asks why. I tell him of my bad experience. He continues to look at that stupid ex-ray and pronounces that yes, the tooth must be removed.
But, not today. No, not today. I repeat this back to him like a parrot, only mimicking because I do not truly understand because of my fear. He smiles a knowing smile, and my eyes narrow.
No, not today, he says. It has become abscessed, and will hurt if I remove it today. I think I blinked. Probably. Blink. So, he prescribes some penicillin and wants to see me again in ten days. He also prescribes a single anxiety pill for me to take one hour before my appointment, so that I can come in relaxed and not be so afraid.
In reality, I felt a bit cheapened. I wasted all that worry on nothing. I went through no pain. Didn't even see a drill or pliers. What kind of dentist is this!
I post the following poem, because he made me happy.
Guess what he did.....come on.... guess!!!
He cleaned house. Did dishes, vacuumed, took out trash, and....
wait for it....
wait for it....
Cooked steak on the grill. (Grins.) Marinated steak even. (Swoons) Who said the way to a man's heart was through his stomach? I know it is with mine. Which is sort of pitiful... but I can live with it.
So, I went back into my poems, got the angriest, most hurtful piece I could find, so that I could remember: Remember what it was like before, and in doing so, fully appreciate the sacrifice he made today to make me happy.
Relationship Suicide By Meagan Blanchard 1.10.05
Dearest love of my life,
My husband, my lover, my friend . . . . . . . . .Want me . . . . . . . . Want me, before my want of you is Washed away by a tide of bitterness. Before the sands of my passion are Formed into angry reefs of rejection.
Want me for life and let not the Years passing dull our mutual affection.
I am begging I am pleading…
This passionless companionship Is banqueting upon the borders Of my heart; weakening my resolve To battle for that something more.
The loneliness whispers, Even though you lay beside me, Give up; Give in. . . .
O, my love, ‘tis not just lust I am seeking; Nay, not so commonly uncouth as that! I can only sigh, for we have traversed This pebble strewn beach before, have we not?
‘Tis a maze, my love, our relationship; A maze with no center; no heart.. Why must it be me, I ask Why must I have this fulfillment; Can not I be happy as we are?
Many a lady would sell all they own For just a moment in time, One perfect second of what we have.
Yet, still, I hunger, I crave, My being is ravenous for what is missing! That you thirst for me just as much as I hunger for you. Lust, love, passion, intimacy. . . I need it!I want it; And I shall not be denied!
I bear my insecurities to you, My soul is not pure, but surely To someone it is beautiful to behold.
Dearest husband, are you liken to winter? All frosty chill and death in abundance Where is your spring, my love, where is Your life giving breath?
O, darling, do you not feel this need I feel? To be more. . . . I have so much to give! Yet, I cannot give more to this mockery of love! That I only could, my husband, that I only could. . .
O, God! Just want me! All of me! Not just the parts that you like! Crave all of me. Hunger for me Body, heart, mind; my soul! . . . . . . Want me. . . . . . . . . Please . . . . . . Show me. . . . . . . . .
I noticed that I have been spending way too much time on the Internet. This, according to some, qualifies as a problem. As I see it, life is just a series of problems and in order to live life, you must attempt to solve those problems. Hence, my logical conclusion: make the Internet make money for me while I clatter away at the keyboard divulging my thoughts. So, in doing so, I have essentially solved a problem and I continue to live life to its fullest.
Now, onto other things, related but not really. (Heh.)
So, you've probably noticed the shameless template changes made by me, in agreement with Google, of course. I am hoping to get paid for the time I spend here. Which by the way, is too much, but I have quite the addictive personality; for which I have no excuse. So, I figure, why not exploit my faults into a possible avenue of revenue. So, if you feel the need to check out any of the Google ads, please, feel free. I won't stop you. I promise. Swear. Yes, cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye.
Yes, another day comes to it's conclusion. A few words before I bid the world goodnight, a lovely sonnet to send me off to sleep.
A Womans' Charm By Meagan Blanchard Let not loves flight swing you forever past, Your grasping hold, secure not, doth waver Against all hope,all good, your fate is cast. Eat not said lemon, for sour flavor But, yield to thee sweet sugar of herself Waltzing properly, scandalous tango, As fluid and graceful as mystic elf Tamed she is not, ever wild mango. For woman in love, no girl anymore, Heeds not societies regulations. Give her desires or come will mad war For she holds logic, against frustrations. O, let not thou soldiers go for loves' lost Or you shall pay high, the dearest of cost.
My day yesterday, was to say the least, conversationally interesting. While making tortillas, I asked John to read my Achieving Euphoria post. So, he did because I asked him, though usually he shrugs off of reading my writing.
Now I know why, but we will get to that in a minute.
I am glad he did because it gave me an uncanny insight into the mind of John. After he read it he asked me: How can you share something like that? (He seemed quite put out about it, not angry, but, just as if it was something he would never in his wildest imaginings ever do, or want to do.) I asked of him: Well, why not? He replied: Because that is so personal. Hell, woman, I've known you for six years and can't seem to talk to you, let alone share something of that nature with complete strangers! (well, not verbatim, but that's the gist of our conversation)
And, then BAM, insight. He doesn't really want to know (even if it is about me); sharing in that manner is uncomfortable for him. I mean, I knew that, but really didn't understand until yesterday. He is just a very private person, so I am sure me writing about him really gripes his butt. On the contrary, I am a very giving, open, sharing person. I like sharing my thoughts with others. I like knowing I am not the only person in the world with petty grievances. I like sharing my life with the world around me. John does not. For him sharing such personal thoughts would be like running naked in New York City traffic for me. (Which I would never do, by the way, well at least not sober...) He said to me: I think you share too much.
So, this is my question for the masses. Do I, have I, am I, sharing too much? Or is it how I perceive it is: That it's exciting to see into the minds of others, intoxicating to know how others think, mesmerizing to glimpse a day in the life of "So and So".
I find it rewarding to know that others read my thoughts. Especially when the say things like: I can so relate to that, Yesterday I went...blah e.t.c... In this way I feel connected to others. A part of the world.
And that my friends is no small thing.
So, let me know what you think, hum? I am interested to know of your thoughts!
No, I am not Catholic, nor I am very religious really. I was thinking earlier. (Heaven help me - get it? heh...) Right, so I was thinking, I should confess; confess my dirty little secret.
Does anyone wish to know it? Yeah, I will spill the beans. But, really, you should have more patience. It's a virtue you know?
So, here it is: I am a Harry Potter fan. Please don't condemn me. The books, the movies, and if I were really brave, I'd probably buy the sticker book too. But, I'm not brave, so, no, I don't own the sticker books. But, I saw some once. I think even my husband noticed my eyes getting shifty. My hands itching. My fevered brain processing how much it would cost if I collected the whole set. Lucky me, I am poor - oh, and spineless.
So, why you ask, am I a Harry Potter fan? Well, let me clear that up for you.
A lot of it has to do with envy. Such an ugly emotion, envy. Why envy you ask? (You're just full of questions today aren't you?) Envy, because I envy her, her fertile imagination. Her determination, through death, strife, and of course her steadfast refusal to quit writing because of life circumstances. I am not just a Harry Potter fan because I think it is a good story; I am also a J.K. Rowling fan, because she deserves to be admired for her accomplishments, her ideas, and her mind. So, how did my envy become admiration; and that I tell you happened because I am just simply not equipped to be negative toward anyone who has done me no wrong. So, envy transmuted into admiration, which has allowed me to suck up my pride and admit it. I admire that woman. Her imagination seems to know no bounds.
If you wish to read her biography go to her official site here.
My husband once asked me, in a bit of a pique I think, why haven't I written a story like that yet. (He wants to quit his 'day' job.) I replied to him: well I am just not that good. He scoffed at me and said something along the lines of this: You know, she's just a normal person too. Which lead me to kind of have a small epiphany. He was right, amazingly (Honey, you'd best mark this date on your calender because I will never admit that ever again!) and I'd bet the $32.00 dollars in my checking account right now that J.K. Rowling had doubts too.
So, it might not happen overnight for me, (well duh!) but I have much more confidence that the possibilities are there to be had. Now, all I have to do is have an idea. (Well, hell!)
Many of the Rowling fans out there might be wondering why I consider this to be a dirty little secret; well I shall once again enlighten you. When I picked up the first book (which incidentally, was not until I had seen the first two movies), I noticed right away that it was geared more toward people younger than me. (I am 23 years old) Thus I found shame in the fact that I was reading (and enjoying) basically what I considered to be a children's or teenager's novel. I now consider it 'Okay' to come out of the closet about this because as the character grows in intelligence, so the novel grows in it's older fan base. Hence, I am not so much ashamed.
Though really, I should never have been ashamed at all. I mean, heck, Shreck was geared for children, and I enjoyed that, even John enjoys such shows like The Powerpuff Girls for cripes sake!
So, no more shame now folks. I am through with that.
And cheers to J.K. Rowling for an excellent series.